466 results for "tantek positive"

  • shaners, great. Also I'd like to take this opportunity to challeng you to come up with a *positive* framing/focus for a homepage redesign, rather than avoiding/improving on "still too overwhelming". "make it responsive" is a good start, but we could do that with existing content. As you said, we can do better. :)
    tantek at 2016-05-13 00:39
  • btw, speaking of Portland, I was reading this, and reminded of how XOXO conference/fest several years ago put in an option for attendees to donate towards local homeless assistance to try to have a positive impact on improving local conditions especially in and around the XOXO main conference area: https://apnews.com/article/covid-business-health-ted-wheeler-poverty-edb884d8bf98e45b16372c1c8b7182e7
    [tantek] at 2022-03-14 23:56
  • [tantek] not sure what "aggregate share behaviours" means 😅 Perhaps this is another "cultural" difference though. I'd say well over half, if not over three-quarters, of things shared to any of my various timelines are from people saying "hey, this is cool, check it out!". The rest are normally instances of people saying "hey, this is problematic, don't do this/here's what's wrong", so it's definitely not 100% positive, but certainly majority
    [Murray] at 2024-03-20 10:44
  • note to self and [snarfed] and whoever shows up to SocialCG meetings, please remember to speak up during "Community Announcements" and announce any/all upcoming events, HWC, IWC, pop-ups and be welcoming, inviting, inclusive of everyone in the CG call. It's definitely an aligned enough group and subset of the SocialCG that I see positive cross-pollination opportunities
    [tantek] at 2024-05-03 23:24
  • Now that it's the 101st day of the year, I should say I'm so far behind in my 100 Day challenge but I am able to report that I *do* have positive photos to post for each day (taken each day), and that I finally posted my photo(s) from the last day of March. Lots of (likely out of order) backfill coming up when I can. Since it's been a while and I was quite happy with these photos (especially the first one), sharing here:
    [tantek] at 2020-04-10 22:04
  • [jgmac1106] I noticed in your edit to /welcoming that you kept the 1 "male" 1 "female" name distribution, whether intentionally or not. I'm wondering if there's perhaps a positive step to be taken by using all "female" names when there are 2-3 folks interacting for a protocol. A protocol Bechdel's test of sorts. In addition, for any diminutive/introductory/teaching usage (e.g. welcome new person), I'm wondering if it would be better to use a m
    [tantek] at 2018-11-29 20:16
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