467 results for "tantek positive"

  • indeed that message from jay made me more optimistic. agreed snarfed about [benatwork]’s tweet being a bit generous, however I wonder if that kind of public generosity also helps as a form of positive inclusion nudging. maybe that's a good way to build bridges from a social perspective?
    [tantek] at 2022-03-19 20:13
  • new blogging authoring feature idea: when you open your blog post creation UI in the morning, it flips a coin and sets your blog in a light mode or a dark mode, and prompts you with "You woke up and chose constructive/destructive this morning", and then helps you write something positive or something critical
    [tantek] at 2022-10-20 23:21
  • use-case: mounted on the back of the door to the toilet (which you face when sitting on the toilet) with news/posts "I care about" (insert personal positive algo here) with a sensor to NOT update the display if the toilet door has been moved in the past ~5 min (avoids the need for actual human "presence" detection which is creepier information)
    [tantek] at 2022-12-08 00:08
  • campegg, sorta. The whole "the metaverse was a cautionary Torment Nexus tale" is a bit of a retcon. At the time (1992), the web was just a random prototype hack, and the internet was only used (primarily) by text nerds (myself included). At the time (again, 1992), the "metaverse" was seen as a more accessible view of the internet that would be much easier (UX) for lots of people to use, i.e. a positive thing
    [tantek] at 2022-07-28 21:58
  • quitting any kind of regular checking of FB was one of the most mental-health positive things I did. in the pandemic, since events evaporated, and that was my last use-case for checking FB, my usage went to pretty close to zero. occasional use of FBM to message some folks that aren't available elsewhere, thus the friend-request/accept dance to enable that. but that's about it, using only the mobile web version
    [tantek] at 2023-02-01 01:00
  • [schmarty] the key to designing good auto-linking is to avoid surprises, especially anxiety-inducing surprises. As long as you can feel "safe" typing / pasting in whatever plain text you want, and if auto-linking(or embedding) happens the feeling should always be neutral to positive.
    [tantek] at 2023-05-16 23:50
  • We had 1 report of a Covid positive test a few days after IWC, and a few confirmations of negative tests. Anyone else who participated in person have any symptoms or want to report anything else? Otherwise am going to document it as 1 case reported and leave it at that awaiting more information.
    [tantek] at 2023-11-02 17:58
  • on the positive side, for anyone who has transitioned from Mastodon to using their own site with Bridgy Fed, here's an SSG for your Mastodon export of old posts in case you want something up relatively quickly before a full backfill: https://github.com/lmorchard/fossilizer/releases/tag/v0.2.0
    [tantek] at 2024-04-14 02:57
  • so, purely hypothetically speaking, if an opportunity arose to co-chair such a Social Web WG, what do you folks think? would that be something that would be worth my or any of our time to do? do you think we could significantly influence the outcome in an indie-positive way?
    tantek at 2013-11-25 17:00
  • and while we eager work on re-implementing silo features, but for our own sites, I'm just asking that we at least *consider* such social-design impacts, in the hopes that we can, maybe in some small way, built a distributed indie web that is more positive, more humane, than the culture(s) silos have amplified
    tantek at 2013-12-01 00:04
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