467 results for "tantek positive"

  • !tell strugee looks like you found your answer re: Google and microformats? They definitely still do parse microformats, question is where they are with parsing mf2, since they have unofficially made positive remarks about it for a few years, and may just be waiting for some measure of critical mass (which has accelerated in the past 2 years)
    tantek at 2017-05-19 18:00
  • Exactly cjw6k, it's awkward messy unobvious stuff that if we were to help with even minimal guidelines, it would helps set more positive defaults, so that at least folks that want to do the right thing but aren't sure how would have some guidance they could use.
    [tantek] at 2020-07-01 21:25
  • TBH IG is going to be hard for me, I get a lot of positive interactions there with keeping up with people that I don't see on Twitter or IndieWeb. I also see a much warmer, kinder, and more vulnerable side of folks on IG too. It's so different from Twitter. I did take a break from posting there, about 3 months now.
    [tantek] at 2020-09-15 02:57
  • tantek: throwing in some thoughts on "scratch your own itch". I really like the duality of "cook what you eat"/"eat what you cook"; I think it's positive that the principles are clearly linked together. That said, I generally prefer "make what you want" (or similar literal variations) as it feels more obvious and less jargon-like. I'd personally prefer something like "make what you want"/"use what you make" to 'replace' those two principle
    Murray[d] at 2021-10-20 10:45
  • capjamesg, RSS+enclosures was "good enough" and "simple enough" for folks to prototype and get a positive feedback loop of publishers & consuming apps working and enough "early adopter" / "power user" adoption to be the "obvious" choice of an ecosystem to support/supplant when Apple decided to get into podcasting
    [tantek] at 2022-12-29 21:06
  • tantek meant to say: shaners, great. Also I'd like to take this opportunity to challenge you to come up with a *positive* framing/focus for a homepage redesign, rather than avoiding/improving on "still too overwhelming". "make it responsive" is a good start, but we could do that with existing content. As you said, we can do better. :)
    Loqi at 2016-05-13 00:39
  • 5. the sooner you can post about positive things that you personally observed or especially participated in (actions, events, accomplishments), the more details you will remember, and the more you reinforce your own short-term (then longterm) memory of the thing! Since that value decreases as the time since the thing happened increases, post the about the most recent thing first to get the details down, the the next most recent thing etc.
    [tantek] at 2018-12-17 23:22
  • Zegnat the example is important IMO because if a new person A shows up here, says only on topic or positive or neutral things. Then if new people B, C, D ... Z show up and start harassing that person then we need to deal with it
    [tantek] at 2018-09-02 18:00
  • yes the emoji thing for HWC/IWC cities is purely meant as a positive encouragement / gamification thing to start and keep organizing in your city (and posting photos!) even if only one other person shows up. It makes a difference to new folks showing up from cities who may even just want to meet 1-2 people in person with similar interests
    [tantek] at 2019-05-30 19:04
  • KevinMarks, maybe? I don't think such negative signals actually work in practice. I think the opposite is true. We need some consuming code/service incentive to publish more "positive" explicitly social "links" (like the meanings conveyed by XFN) which many things (including search engines, but not primarily) could use to prioritize results both overall, and based on who is searching (if you've chosen to login)
    [tantek] at 2021-04-15 19:04
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