85 results for "tantek positive"

  • capjamesg, it's entirely possible that if a new forum is initially populated with people from the current chat / discuss channels, that it will maintain a lot of the overall positive/welcoming culture, which may provide a foundation/baseline for self-moderation
    [tantek] at 2024-03-19 02:57
  • would be good to get some more positive pages/edits in there
    [tantek] at 2024-02-23 05:28
  • a few suggestions for improvement, some of which have been done, but nothing blocking, and in general positive reception that this is a strong improvement
    [tantek] at 2024-02-14 23:02
  • capjamesg[d]++ great job on nudging the conversation in #indieweb into a more positive & productive direction
    [tantek] at 2024-01-28 00:10
  • We had one reported positive Covid case (as of this past Monday) of an IWC SD participant. Has anyone else who was at IWC SD felt any respiratory symptoms since the camp? Covid incubation times would mean the earliest you would have felt it is maybe Tuesday or Wednesday but certainly by today if you got it at the camp.
    [tantek] at 2023-12-22 19:00
  • aaronpk, [manton] I have mixed feelings on "catch the eye of people" who are into the term "fediverse". With a few positive exceptions (like folks we know, some tech press), much of the "fediverse fandom" is highly negative, reactive, ranty, and bordering on cultish. I'd like to find a way to help IndieWeb folks find positive connections, without getting buried in rando rant replies.
    [tantek] at 2023-12-20 18:22
  • there's a whole potential discussion of what to do and how to engage when invited to something invite-only, that I believe has a lot of positive potential
    [tantek] at 2023-12-11 22:33
  • [tantek] I tested positive this morning ๐Ÿ˜”
    [Paul_Robert_Ll] at 2023-11-02 18:00
  • We had 1 report of a Covid positive test a few days after IWC, and a few confirmations of negative tests. Anyone else who participated in person have any symptoms or want to report anything else? Otherwise am going to document it as 1 case reported and leave it at that awaiting more information.
    [tantek] at 2023-11-02 17:58
  • reinforcing indieweb-is-(only)-for-nerds does not seem like a positive tbh, it's too much of a misconception already ๐Ÿ˜•
    [tantek] at 2023-05-05 22:55
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