230 results for "small web"

  • even restricting to the US 9% is a small number. considering your site is to be on the **World** Wide Web and all
    KartikPrabhu at 2014-07-18 08:19
  • Heh, small world (wide web)
    gRegor` at 2014-07-04 01:19
  • Article I'm referring to in that tweet: http://jdueck.net/article/a-web-of-small-properties
    gRegor` at 2014-05-09 00:52
  • #iiw @benwerd: there are lots of small building blocks that we use to build the #indieweb - microformats are how we add meaning to web pages
    Loqi at 2014-05-06 21:14
  • Good post from a Twitter friend touching on the indieweb: http://jdueck.net/article/a-web-of-small-properties
    gRegor` at 2014-05-02 03:22
  • It’s very disappointing that a lot of web fonts don’t provide small-caps variants.
    tommorris at 2014-04-25 21:08
  • since they are "small information summaries, often summaries of specific web pages. "
    KartikPrabhu at 2014-04-16 23:30
  • Starting down the path of marking a small corner of the internet as “mine”. Indie web content here I come. #ownyourdata
    Loqi at 2014-03-18 03:11
  • and while we eager work on re-implementing silo features, but for our own sites, I'm just asking that we at least *consider* such social-design impacts, in the hopes that we can, maybe in some small way, built a distributed indie web that is more positive, more humane, than the culture(s) silos have amplified
    tantek at 2013-12-01 00:04
  • I want to run a small web server, maybe a database, and broadcast a wifi hotspot from the device
    aaronpk at 2013-08-30 01:21
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