6 results for "small web"

  • My meatspace work is mainly focusing on getting small businesses on the decentralized web. It's tough work...
    saranix at 2018-03-19 20:52
  • (using a stateless template language, and a small custom web framework hehe)
    puckipedia at 2017-09-14 15:55
  • is that if you have your friends on a web of trust, but then for people who aren't on your web of trust you require that they do some small payment that goes directly to you (but you have the option of refunding if you do trust the person)
    cwebber2 at 2017-09-04 22:19
  • timbl: Hi! It's an honor to be in such a small room with you :) May I ask your thoughts about IPFS? It seems like it can take the web to its full potential as a distributed system
    bitbit at 2017-07-01 15:43
  • Bringing this back to social web: can we get federation servers to use one of a small number of TOS's and adverise which one (in /terms) and then every machine can check that and warn users before federating to there?
    sandro at 2017-05-04 19:12
  • sockethub -> Sockethub is a polyglot (speaking many different protocols and APIs) messaging service for social and other interactive messaging applications. It assists web app developers by providing server-independent, server-side functionality - which gives the application greater autonomy. It can be used as a tool for many different types of applications, large and small.
    AdamB at 2014-12-09 19:55
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