35 results for "small web"

  • the problem is that still only a tiny fraction of web sites support webmentions, so you end up doing a ton of compute and network traffic to send what ends up being a small number of wms
    [snarfed] at 2023-12-28 04:26
  • good points, tantek. it's still an early/small group, without much work on docs or web presence yet
    peterkaminski at 2023-12-17 20:45
  • I have a small static website for a family member that is currently on a shared hosting service, along with email. The family member in question is unhappy with the email service, and wants to move. I'm strongly inclined to move email and web to separate services. For the web, either Amazon Web Services or Netlify.
    btrem at 2023-09-22 05:51
  • I think YaCy is designed to query all of its peers in the federation in real time as it is implausible to replicate a whole WAN-crawler - it's more about physics than being naive. The reason it failed to gain traction was more about how it handled ranking and compositing results. It could probably be easily adjusted for this Small Web use case to always replicate the index and only query locally.
    bkil at 2023-04-30 01:58
  • true! you're in a very small set of power users whose web site also speaks AP natively
    [snarfed]2 at 2022-12-16 23:03
  • a couple small login ideas: consider stripping whitespace from the beginning and end of the web site, and consider adding http:// if they only enter domain?
    [snarfed] at 2022-11-16 03:38
  • scojjac, yes, and I think another long term lesson here is that non-C syntax languages are never going to be dominant, and likely retreat to finding only small community niches. the one exception being Python which is still fighting to hang on. Perl is essentially the COBOL of the web now.
    [tantek] at 2022-06-06 19:02
  • Indiekit (GitHub repo) is “a small but powerful server that acts as the go-between your website and the wider independent web” https://indieweb.org/Indiekit
    Loqi at 2022-04-05 19:56
  • aside, in going through some old papers, I found the original "Web 2.0" concept map papers / exercises that O'Reilly printed out and handed out back in the day, before "What is Web 2.0" got big. Ironically (or appropriately?) even the concept of Web 2.0 itself was somewhat (small) crowd-sourced.
    [tantek]1 at 2021-10-08 20:21
  • Webmentions are my way of finally letting Disqus go! I implemented a small Javascript-based project to easily show… https://twitter.com/i/web/status/1424461659624648724
    Loqi at 2021-08-08 22:10
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