166 results for "problem solve tantek"

  • GWG did you get a chance to try the ID support in phpmf2 to see if it works? I think that's the last thing we're waiting on to accept the proposal (making sure an implementation actually works to the solve the problem that motivated it)
    [tantek] at 2018-12-29 20:34
  • (there's also the category of more cutting edge things which are literally being explored by the more experimentally minded folks who don't mind trying things out that may not work, and for those we are gathering examples to actually *solve* the problem(s) being discussed)
    [tantek] at 2019-06-27 19:06
  • [schmarty] I think I agree with the idea behind what you were saying re: vouch and that tweet, it belongs primarily on the UX side (problem to actually solve), *and* I think it is useful input to consider for/when implementing Vouch, for devs that may just end up on the Vouch page and would like an expanded "Why" section (which gathering in See Also is an incremental step towards)
    [tantek] at 2019-07-08 18:35
  • snarfed, I know you said "syndication" but it sounds like you’re trying to solve a UX problem. "fediverse post viewer" sounds like what you are actually asking for is "all the ways a logged in fediverse viewer (person) can interact with a post on the fediverse" which yes sounds like webactions
    [tantek] at 2022-11-20 00:20
  • snarfed, while factually true, I think it obscures the higher level question, what problem are they trying to solve? my guess is how to get the URL of the syndicated tweet back into their blogging "system" so they can update their original post to link to that syndicated copy.
    [tantek] at 2022-03-10 18:48
  • Do we need a top level place hierarchy to the granularity of individual cities (as a way of avoiding name collisions across cities)? e.g. /US/CA/SF/ ? and should we assume that we're not trying to solve the Starbucks or McDonald's problem? (of individual tips/reviews for specific venues?)
    [tantek] at 2022-02-04 20:35
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