166 results for "problem solve tantek"

  • Also if a local event organizer is already doing the work of figuring out if they can do a more traditional paid conference, then it is likely that figuring out a lower attendance IWC/IWS should be an "easier problem" to solve
    [tantek] at 2021-08-05 20:55
  • aaronpk, since you last "touched" it, do you remember the purpose of this page or what problem(s) it was trying to solve for the IndieWeb? trying to decide if it is worth keeping, or redirecting to a subsection somewhere or just deleting
    [tantek] at 2022-07-29 21:09
  • bear - I got to the point of defining the deployment problem I wanted to solve (with easy UI/UX), and then was never able to (heard of no good solutions, ironically) for https://indiewebcamp.com/deployment#Goals
    tantek at 2015-10-19 03:19
  • side-effect of solving the general annotate an object with another object problem, which was meant to solve the specific use-case of posting a people-tag post about someone else's photo post :
    tantek at 2014-11-20 00:05
  • even just the problem documenting bad TZ defaults polluting data is worth its own blogpost. with cited examples. and a note about approaches to solve / workaround this being in the next blog post
    tantek at 2017-03-28 20:36
  • having only a small number of people "cowboy" changes tends to reinforce any feelings of in/out groups and frankly *that* is a much harder/worse problem to solve
    [tantek] at 2024-01-26 18:56
  • KevinMarks: tantek left you a message 2 minutes ago: I tried to capture a bit of the tweet abuse problem you mentioned earlier: https://indiewebcamp.com/comment_problems#POSSE_and_backfeed please add any more relevant details you think would help solve the problem(s) http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2015-09-16/line/1442433252077
    Loqi at 2015-09-16 21:56
  • [Paul_Robert_Ll] pretty sure nothing has changed since the conclusions of the discussions at IWC Nurnberg: tl;dr: updating the theme produces a worse result (with more work to do) than the status quo. Help welcome to help solve some of those problem / work to do, OR put in time fixing the current theme. Either way, there are multiple paths forward that don't overall regress the experience
    [tantek] at 2024-01-18 13:41
  • tantek: re twitter's "tailored for you" - I disagree strongly. They need to be much smarter about sending notifications in @ replies, ratehr thna blindly spamming you with all of them, so that option needs to remain. It could be more transparent about what it does, yes, but for twitter to solve the harassent problem it needs some kind of vouch-like or content filter on notifications
    KevinMarks at 2016-03-22 18:36
  • [jgmac1106] literally a post that is like "state the problem you need to solve (migrated CMSs, keeping archive.originaldomain around, want to serve old links from it). summarize the solution (use Apache Rewrite rules to add a 404 handler to do it automatically!), show the block of code you added to your .htaccess file, lastly, optional, explain (in terms *you* think you understand) what each line does, or if you don't know, say that! (that's ok too
    [tantek] at 2018-12-26 23:07
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