22 results for "micro.blog"

  • tantek: there's multiple implementations and the micro.blog stuff
    cwebber at 2017-05-09 18:00
  • ... from the mastodon phenomenon, to micro.blog, to LDN getting funding for impelmentations, i think we can make a case for that to recharter, we just have to figure out what that means
    ben_thatmustbeme at 2017-05-02 18:02
  • ... also micro.blog is not a w3c member, just a kickstarter project
    ben_thatmustbeme at 2017-05-02 17:26
  • tantek: micro.blog has taken micropub as their client connection API
    ben_thatmustbeme at 2017-05-02 17:25
  • What's the license on the content that the user creates at micro.blog or fetches via other means?
    csarven at 2017-04-26 22:48
  • yep, same with micro.blog/t - worked great without any work, using existing WebSub + Atom.xml support / standards
    tantek at 2017-04-26 22:47
  • so in that sense, I own my content, and now everyone else who is using micro.blog can follow me
    aaronpk at 2017-04-26 22:47
  • for example, https://micro.blog/aaronpk is actually pulling content from my website
    aaronpk at 2017-04-26 22:46
  • and then the service at micro.blog is more of an aggregator/reader
    aaronpk at 2017-04-26 22:46
  • you can have micro.blog host your site similar to wordpress.com. you get a subdomain on micro.blog, and you can map your domain to it
    aaronpk at 2017-04-26 22:46
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