1286 results for "hugo"

  • I was told this was a good place to show off personal website updates: https://morganwebdev.org. this is a Hugo static site generated website I've been updating and decided to use as my main web presence.
    [morganm] at 2024-11-04 01:21
  • well now i have another stretch goal lol: detect if my hugo .Summary is plaintext or not, and selectively add either .p-content or .e-content (or should i always just use .e-content regardless? should i always use *both* regardless?)
    trwnh at 2024-10-12 01:21
  • [mattl] I think someone tried to do that, but it does require some Hugo fiddling. Basically duplicate the normal home page template and put it at /myblog, then make a static page for your home page. The only thing you can’t control is the permalinks, though, which will still be /year/month/… etc.
    [manton] at 2024-09-18 23:30
  • [edit] it's so difficult to do this market research assignment because there seem to be 2 kinds of web devs: ones working with non-js languages and frameworks, like PHP, python, Hugo etc or directly editing html/css/js, and those using js frameworks like react, angular, vue, vite etc. noone is writing nodejs directly despite its original appeal being to make js the homogeneous language for the web
    popranger at 2024-09-15 13:13
  • it's so difficult to do this market research assignment because there seem to be 2 kinds of web devs: ones working with non-js languages and frameworks, like PHP, python, Hugo etc or directly editing html/css/js, and those using js frameworks like react, angular, vue, astro etc. noone is writing nodejs directly despite its original appeal being to make js the homogeneous language for the web
    popranger at 2024-09-15 13:12
  • [edit] also what makes you favor Hugo (markdown+toml config iirc), Go and PHP compared to node.js?
    popranger at 2024-09-15 12:55
  • also what makes you favor Hugo (markdown+toml config iirc), Go and PHP over node.js?
    popranger at 2024-09-15 12:55
  • popranger: As asked in #indieweb about my tech stack, I'm currently using Hugo as a static site generator. I'll evaluate it again when I have time to redesign and publish new content if it fits; if not, I'll craft something in Go or PHP. Hosting comes from my (own small) company.
    vroman1 at 2024-09-15 12:14
  • for SSG speed, Hugo is usually recommended. [capjamesg] recently spent some time optimising his custom one too
    [KevinMarks] at 2024-09-14 16:34
  • SSGs like Zola or Hugo don't depend on any specific runtime environment or toolkit, can just pin a specific binary version and use it indefinitely
    The_Decryptor at 2024-09-13 03:27
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