74 results for "alternate"

  • [snarfed] does bridgy support mf2 json as rel-alternate feed? https://indieweb.org/rel-alternate
    [pfefferle] at 2023-03-11 17:36
  • [asuh] even given your choice, it's always nice to see alternate examples. Here's another interesting one that's done as a plugin: https://wordpress.org/plugins/narwhal-microblog/
    [chrisaldrich] at 2021-02-11 08:27
  • reed there used to be a Medium made plugin for WordPress that used to do it. Now that that's broken, I don't use it very often. Medium also did have a per-post importer that would set the proper rel=alternate flag in the Medium copy so that your original post would be preferred by search engines.
    [chrisaldrich] at 2021-01-08 21:15
  • [tonz] I'm not using speakerstack (yet?), but I recall early Gutenberg experiments had a slide creation and presentation thing that people were playing with. Not sure where it was hidden or how to use it, but that might be an alternate way to go. I recall photomatt using it in his State of the Word as his presentation too.
    [chrisaldrich] at 2020-09-18 21:40
  • GWG, Post Kinds has the ability to find all the reads at /kind/read/. I'm curious if there's a URL path to find the alternate versions of reading / want to read / finished reading?
    [chrisaldrich] at 2020-07-28 07:48
  • the same alternate discovery links
    [pfefferle] at 2020-07-02 15:41
  • I just added an alternate way to keep GIthub WordPress themes updated
    GWG at 2020-02-29 20:10
  • sknebel: You have any alternate solutions? It isn't specifically a WP problem
    GWG at 2019-10-06 16:43
  • I wonder if there would be a way to translate the schema.org vocab into mf2 and then use a rel="alternate" like the microformats stream plugin
    [jgmac1106] at 2019-10-04 18:02
  • Possibly ... I'm still newer to this than I'd like. By the way, that alternate URL worked. I'm gonna have to reconfigure my feeds and channels, though, because it's empty.
    cambridgeport90 at 2019-09-18 04:51
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