265 results for "alternate"

  • However, rel-alternate does that right now
    GWG at 2020-09-23 21:38
  • [KevinMarks]: yes, the idea being that there is a unique identifier that can be passed to brid.gy (or other apps) which can be mapped to mastodon's subject field and collapse the content behind the contents of the p-warning-category (or alternate name if more suitable). Aligning it with categories reflects the sentiments behind the initial proposal from activitypub devs rather than how it was implemented by mastodon.
    JK_na at 2020-07-06 09:44
  • ↩️ That's exactly what I was looking for, but I guess the page was not linked from the home (maybe you could consider setting the alternate link in your pages headers : http://microformats.org/wiki/rel-alternate#Page_Feed). Thanks !
    Loqi at 2020-06-10 09:00
  • 2-alternate. ^^ what aaronpk said about alternate sponsorship and needing data.
    [schmarty] at 2020-06-08 18:30
  • So one use case is finding feeds - you check the list for rel=alternate, then look them up in rel-urls to provide the choice.
    [KevinMarks] at 2020-05-11 23:52
  • Which are mostly for rel=alternate
    [KevinMarks] at 2020-05-11 23:46
  • gRegorLove: I did an alternate version of the PHP5.6 and ended up in a composer.lock dependency problem
    GWG at 2020-04-26 02:25
  • According to the HTML standard it is fine to have a lot of rel-alternate + type <link> elements. They are “not necessarily syndicating exactly the same content as the current page”.
    Zegnat at 2020-02-12 20:45
  • Yeah, I am not sure it is a good idea to assume <rel="alternate" type="application/json"> can always be assumed to point at something following the JSONFeed spec.
    Zegnat at 2020-02-12 19:59
  • GWG: for now a small tweak to your algo is that whenever rel-alternate is considered, you also need to consider the type value. Only together with a feed type is it considered to mean feed.
    Zegnat at 2020-02-12 19:53
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