136 results for "NextJS"

  • pcarrier[d]: in relation to SSR, nextjs introduced that feature a few years ago making it a topic. Astro pioneered it too, but it doesnt compare in popularity
    popranger at 2024-09-15 13:47
  • you mean plenty of people use nextjs to let it do its thing
    popranger at 2024-09-15 13:40
  • hi! idk what to say lol. been interested in the concept of an indie internet recently and contributing to one. webmaster for a radio station but never built a website or app before from scratch, familiar with front end dev and a little with nextjs but hoping to learn more here !
    ultrrvioltt at 2024-05-23 05:24
  • Currently I am implementing webmentions in my blog built with react & nextJS. I am looking to rebuild the site with something else
    mahboubine at 2024-02-09 14:02
  • Testing webmentions please ignore thiss https://nikolovlazar.com/blog/distributed-tracing-in-nextjs
    Loqi at 2023-04-23 23:50
  • [indieweb.social/@thomasreggi] Last week I made a linktree clone with nextjs and made three different pages for different audiences.https://reggi.com for general audiences... (https://indieweb.social/@thomasreggi/110135884378745838)
    Loqi at 2023-04-03 20:19
  • NextJS: Best bits are the modularity of build options. Any given page can be statically rendered, server rendered, a mixture, etc. It's not as modular as Astro, but it makes it very powerful, and gives you the best of both worlds. Cons are still React, and I personally find it overly opinionated about things like its own routing and image components
    [Murray] at 2023-03-15 15:46
  • <G​remblo#6137> So I've got a personal site I'm building with nextjs, I'm in the process of adding webmentions. Here's hoping I can get it to work...
    IWDiscordRelay at 2023-02-01 11:37
  • [social.yesterweb.org/@triptych] I am more and more convinced that the only reason folks are not taking advantage of the incredible power and expressivity of vanilla HTML, CSS, JS, and SVG is because they are simply not aware of it, and things like React , Tailwind, and Nextjs are acting as shortcuts that... (https://social.yesterweb.org/@triptych/109593155103459061)
    Loqi at 2022-12-28 21:46
  • @AtilaFassina Heads up, the code links on your @css article https://css-tricks.com/jumping-into-webmentions-with-nextjs-or-not/ are broken. Are those examples still online?
    Loqi at 2022-11-18 23:10
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