results for "hugo"
but now am mostly using cloudinary because it has a VERY generous free tier, and doesn't require signed URLs (Hugo doesn't have an easy way to generate signed URLs afaict)
2019-01-05 21:49
Planning to give Hugo static site generator a try for a small documentation project incorporating search, chapters and Microformats - Already using Hugo? ...your thoughts please (https://calumryan.com/note/2327)
2019-01-05 21:00
i stuffed all my Tweet archives into Hugo data files, instead of one-file-per-tweet, and my Hugo build times went from 15 seconds to 1.5. Huzzah!
2019-01-03 22:04
Atualizei meu blog https://silvino.net. Usando Hugo, Cloudflare, Netlify. Habilitado para a Indieweb. Agora só falta habilitar webmentions!
2018-12-31 04:44
Atualizei meu blog https://silvino.net. Usando Hugo, Cloudflare, Netlify. Habilitado para a Indieweb. Agora só falta habilitar webmentions!
2018-12-31 04:44
I am tempted to have a two-step build process by splitting the Hugo theme into two. One step for permalink pages, after which syndication and webmentions can happen. A second for feed, tag, and archive pages, after which websub triggers.
2018-12-30 23:50
[schmarty]: does sound like Hugo isn't fast enough for you then!
2018-12-30 23:46
re: Hugo build times - my whole site builds in about 2-3 seconds on my laptop. But 20s on the cheap VPS I use for my build server! 😅
2018-12-30 23:40
then the technical implementation comes down to storing all raw tweets in YAML or JON for use with Hugo.
2018-12-28 16:06
Hello all. Newbie encountering some difficulties here. I’m trying to implement micropub using https://github.com/voxpelli/webpage-micropub-to-github. Everything is working great, but since my site uses Hugo instead of Jekyll, there are a handful of small tweaks I need to make to the front matter it adds to my posts. And I can’t for the life of me figure out how to make those small tweaks.
2018-12-27 19:25
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