results for "micro.blog"
ty for reminding me http://micro.blog can register domains! updated my post.
2024-08-29 21:42
http://micro.blog - with its built in domain registration and automatic DNS that users don't have to see - may be the best response right now
2024-08-29 21:40
Yeah, that’s just the http://Micro.blog way. It’s less structured than some Micropub servers. That way it scales easier from simple posts with text + a single photo, to longer posts with text and photos interspersed.
2024-08-22 00:09
In http://Micro.blog, photo posts are just posts that have an `img` tag, so sometimes I do things like `filter=<img` via Micropub. Feels a little hacky but works.
2024-08-21 18:35
[manton] thanks for the follow-up! I think this would be great to add to a Micropub brainstorm proposals, perhaps open an issue on the Micropub spec as a feature request with the clear use-case and existing implementation of private-ish http://Micro.blog endpoints ? https://github.com/w3c/Micropub/issues
2024-08-21 18:30
[tantek] Sunlit doesn’t currently use Micropub to get photos, just for posting. I have a couple private-ish http://Micro.blog endpoints that could definitely be replaced with something like `post-type=photo`, though.
2024-08-21 18:28
[[Micro.blog]] https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Micro.blog&diff=1239688641&oldid=prev TheCatCollective: Punctuation and spacing wrt refs
2024-08-11 00:00
using kickstarter to launch the hosted version of http://micro.blog with first selection of usernames was brilliant
2024-08-09 20:14
http://micro.blog++ is a great model and kudos to [manton] and team
2024-08-09 20:09
I've been very impressed with how http://micro.blog has worked out, tbh. And I love the community version of avoiding blank page syndrome - it's all one community while also being lots of little sites. That's the right balance.
2024-08-09 20:08