results for "hugo"
looks like it - it's in Hugo
2019-12-12 02:42
some Hugo work (missed some of this demo, backfill plz)
2019-12-08 23:06
That's a good idea. One of the problems people can run into is that they import a completely new Hugo theme to Micro.blog, but of course it's missing a bunch of useful MF2 and `<link>` tags, etc.
2019-11-27 04:13
Every blog hosted on Micro.blog is actually a Hugo site too. I've been really happy with it. All the themes are on GitHub too, and they have IndieWeb tweaks for Microformats, etc. https://github.com/microdotblog
2019-11-27 01:43
Beko thanks! I'm using Hugo on www.jvt.me and have really enjoyed it, especially for its speed against something like Jekyll for a smallish site at the time. I dread to think what my site builds would take now, with thousands of more pages of content in my site now
2019-11-26 23:04
jamietanna: about Hugo this one here https://jlelse.blog/ uses hugo iirc and he is coding a lot IndieWeb related stuff for it. Mayhap this helps.
2019-11-26 21:51
been meaning to try it out for that reason, though tbh after going through the pain of learning how to work with jekyll and then hugo i am wary of starting over again, despite it sounding so good. 😅
2019-11-26 21:48
my understanding is that it is also one of the more flexible generators. jekyll and hugo are very opinionated about how content should be organized, what data can be used to generate pages, etc.
2019-11-26 21:43
[davidmead]: I'd be happy to chat in #dev about SSGs - I use /hugo and have some thoughts about it and how to get started with IndieWeb
2019-11-26 21:14
I started one with hugo and then deleted lots of a template, that seemed easier
2019-11-26 18:27
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