results for "problem solve tantek"
description of its contents is not the same as "what problem does this solve"
2021-12-06 19:57
Also if a local event organizer is already doing the work of figuring out if they can do a more traditional paid conference, then it is likely that figuring out a lower attendance IWC/IWS should be an "easier problem" to solve
2021-08-05 20:55
[schmarty] I'm thinking a pop-up might be a good way to get the broader user-centric conversation started about the problem that Vouch is designed to solve one or some parts thereof. I don't have a name for that broader problem though
2021-01-08 19:26
so sure, both *can* exist, but don't bother evangelizing the few/elite option as if it will solve the problem for most people
2020-11-26 22:17
so maybe that's not the important problem to solve?
2020-08-28 22:32
[tb] really the question is what problem are you trying to solve that AP seems like the answer to
2020-08-24 06:40
Whereas “down the road” is either literal like make it your geo-neighbor’s problem, or often temporal, as in make it a problem for future generations to solve (eg climate)
2020-05-31 17:50
aaronpk, you can admit to the user/author problem being a good one to solve, while noting how horrible the specific approach of the spec is, and offering up the alternative of using existing simpler building blocks instead.
2020-05-20 22:37
this is not for that, sorry that wasn't obvious. no need to solve a solved problem
2020-04-23 21:54
snarfed, sure, the family use-case is handled by direct messaging already. the "heartbeat" reader is not for that, no need to coarsely solve an already more fine-grain solved problem
2020-04-23 21:53