results for "micro.blog"
This is the method I use: https://indieweb.org/Micro.blog#How_to_syndicate_to regardless of what posts appear where, if you want to set up a feed of just the posts you want to syndicate, you can put that feed in micro.blog
2024-09-20 20:14
Yeah, they're all basically separate right now. Ideally I'd use one tool, probably http://micro.blog to publish everything that's not the homepage.
2024-09-20 20:14
My personal site https://mat.tl has all my self hosted stuff from the last 30 years or so. I want to use WordPress and http://micro.blog and other new and exciting things, so I put those on subdomains: https://blog.mat.tl https://micro.mat.tl etc. I get the feeling that's not quite how I'm "supposed" to do things?
2024-09-20 20:11
These are great but does anyone have anything more like... "Here's how I get my posts from http://micro.blog to my personal website?" etc?
2024-09-20 20:00
I don't think there's a way to use http://micro.blog on your own domain name in a subdirectory... i guess I could pull the GitHub repo and publish that
2024-09-18 21:47
I posted something on http://micro.blog… https://micro.mat.tl/2024/09/17/messing-around-with.html and it hit my RSS feed… so should it appear on bridgy fed now? Maybe I’m misunderstanding what I’m supposed to be seeing
2024-09-17 22:35
Yeah, I’m weird about it but I really like my homepage to be free to clutter.. http://micro.mat.tl is just my http://micro.blog site
2024-09-17 22:04
I wonder if http://micro.blog does. I suspect no
2024-09-17 21:04
there isn't though. we're miles past requiring CLI, or any kind of coding etc, just to own your identity online. http://micro.blog with built in domain registration plus DNS is the gold standard there
2024-09-17 17:42
It doesn't seem like micro.blog can post threads to social—self-replies are not crossposting. Can anyone confirm or help me troubleshoot
2024-09-14 20:22