1286 results for "hugo"

  • <jamietanna[m] "Re dumping all to file, if you a"> After finally figuring out how to dump the MF2 request to a file and understand the different categorisation of `mp-photo-alt` as a _command I managed to hack the micropub endpoint to output the alts into the frontmatter of the resultant yaml file.. now if I can figure out how to get hugo reference two arrays on with the same index, I'll be laughing.. as opposed to crying
    JK_na at 2020-09-15 14:59
  • Is it crazy to learn Phoenix and Elixir (and modern web dev) by writing a micropub server that does indieauth/accepts all the micropub end points and generates files for Hugo?
    Loqi at 2020-09-14 01:30
  • "maxwelljoslyn" (https://matrix.to/#/@freenode_maxwelljoslyn:matrix.org) I'm similar to schmarty - I've got a Hugo site so use Hugo's JSON support for the files. I have a few top-level properties which are needed by Hugo, but then use MF2 JSON internally for representing the normalised MF2 JSON ie https://gitlab.com/jamietanna/jvt.me/-/commit/42890ef5e88d13251838bbf654feb36a132c46e2
    jamietanna[m] at 2020-09-11 09:44
  • i try to keep it minimal but there are a handful of things to deal with. for example hugo requires that "title" be a string while in micropub JSON it's an array. i map "category" to "tags" because that system in hugo better matches how i use tags. i also have special handling for tags with nested structure (e.g. ownyourswarm sends tags with nested h-card data) but hugo only understands string tags.
    [schmarty] at 2020-09-10 20:39
  • (well, not hugo, but dynamic code, but similar storage principle. although I keep a copy of the originally submitted content so I can modify it automatically if I want
    sknebel at 2020-09-10 20:39
  • maxwelljoslyn: i explicitly map micropub directly into my post storage (typically markdown + yaml front matter for hugo to compile)
    [schmarty] at 2020-09-10 20:36
  • jamietanna[m] interested in what you're doing here as you and me are both on Hugo 🙂
    [tb] at 2020-08-26 15:47
  • I would like to implement a micropub server (for my own needs and fun), and I have a question: how can we make a difference between a Note and an Article ? I am using Hugo as a generator for my site and Notes and Articles are different files
    [Jean_Philippe_] at 2020-08-26 11:39
  • I'd say sending webmentions is probably top priority on the backend at the moment but I've just been fiddling with adding more diverse post type foundations this morning and working on the corresponding theme adjustments in my Hugo theme
    [tb] at 2020-08-23 17:33
  • Ugh, things like hugo templates make me yearn for the relative simplicity of PHP
    ndegruchy at 2020-08-23 15:30
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