results for "hugo"
next up is statically generating something to display webmentions without client-side js. haven't decided whether to make it a hugo addon or a standalone program (like ddevault's openring).
2021-01-10 06:35
But yes, the macros are useful. I've done a bit with Hugo and the Go templates there and they're powerful too, but the inheritance model took some work to understand.
2021-01-03 23:16
(i have 0 experience with 11ty; my website is generated with hugo).
2020-12-30 07:41
for those running Jekyll or Hugo or similar and using git to drive workflows, do you store your images in your git repo? Or do you save them outside of your version control?
2020-12-21 22:03
Think I’m going to switch my blog from withknown to hugo.
2020-12-07 02:20
yeah also I'm also noticing that hugo is only putting the first paragraph or so into the feed...that seems like something I should fix.
2020-11-27 01:40
[Raphael_Luckom] I made a Tufte Hugo theme with microformats in
2020-11-24 20:15
replacing that toml is part of what I'm after, but my project introduces the weird goal that "rendering" should be a per-entity action. When I run hugo locally, it constructs the list page by looking through all the posts and comparing dates and whether they are drafts. I'm thinking about having a system where an update to a post, or the addition of a new post, triggers a rerender of just the specific things that need to be rendered
2020-11-21 22:08
If you wanted to use them to replace the TOML or whatever in Hugo, that could work
2020-11-21 22:05
I'm still thinking through how my use case is the same as / different from the microformats use case. I'm basically taking part of the hugo model (write in markdown, transpile to html) and migrating it to an object store (for me, S3 bucket, but that's not relevant). I want to store each thing in an "author friendly" format, and register events such that whenever I update one of the things changes, it's re-transpiled and published. So
2020-11-21 16:20
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