480 results for "tantek positive"

  • the more positive examples we can document of people doing this, and how they did this, the more people are enabled / emboldened to also do so
    tantek at 2018-05-01 20:30
  • chrisaldrich, how do you put a positive framing on raw negative experiences? we also don't want to sugar coat
    tantek at 2018-04-23 23:43
  • chrisaldrich: you may think of "non-English speaking" as a positive, but the very use of "non-" (a negating) prefix is negative framing
    tantek at 2018-04-04 19:33
  • i.e. how do people publish on their home page that they speak other languages? (to reframe as a positive instead of "non-English speaking" )
    tantek at 2018-04-04 19:27
  • Trying to restart a habit of posting positive things early in the morning and late at night before bed.
    tantek at 2018-04-04 08:47
  • (on the positive side)
    tantek at 2018-03-30 21:00
  • and that's considered good (community positive) behavior too!
    tantek at 2018-03-23 18:41
  • if I'm in a more charitable mood I might respond with some more positive rhetorical questions
    tantek at 2018-03-22 00:56
  • the example I showed was positive, but I've seen others that have been emotional hijacks of sorts
    tantek at 2018-03-21 19:18
  • [tantek] Restating for clarity, and adding children as another way to stop implying p-name "p-name MUST NOT be implied if there are any explicit p-* properties or any nested microformats" Need consensus positive feedback from parser developers and one p...
    Loqi at 2018-03-04 20:57
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