results for "small web"
This might be just my personal bubble, but I have never seen such a surge in small personal (micro-) blogs and feeds. No matter if it's level 6 #indieweb'bed or classic old school web – I like it.
2019-10-22 19:54
↩️ : The #IndieWeb community should be really proud of itself. You are helping to build a better web everyday and I hope the small community takes off, in fact I want it to take over everything. (https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/s/14mlt1)
2019-10-05 16:06
ICMYI: I’m holding a small meetup in Oakland THIS Thursday to talk shop about personal websites, independent and communal Web things and people’s identities on the Web. It’s the Homebrew Website Club: Oakland edition! More info at https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/874179b5-1d6a-4141-99dc-795baf00bc24… https://v2.jacky.wtf/post/2dc4738d-aa7c-467a-b0de-1687db975b42
2019-09-17 20:27
if you really do want to write a lot of your own code for a small web site, serverless can definitely be great! but others like heroku, netlify, glitch, zeit, etc are _way_ easier and more appropriate than lambda
2019-07-24 20:20
man all of this ^ is really deep for small personal/business web sites, which rarely have big scaling or flash traffic needs. if the serverless motivation is simplicity or scaling, might be worth taking a step back at some point and reevaluating
2019-07-24 20:11
Back in the days when web standards was starting to take off, many sites/services had these buttons to show that you were using the right stuff under the hood, like `css 3`, `Valid HTML`. They were small, button-like things. Does anyone know where I can find examples of them?
2019-06-29 03:38
[Rose] Not yet, we talked about it this weekend I would do one on the basics of indieweb but also the small theme we have as in "find the others". There are more outside the indieweb who worry about the web, data, privacy and how you can get control on your online presence. But I don't have anything set in stone yet.
2019-05-12 20:39
There's a ton of hentry out on the web due to WordPress and I feel like with a few small tweaks we should be able to parse post name, content, author, publish date from the majority
2019-04-29 19:46
A card in the context of the indieweb are small information summaries—often summaries of specific, external web pages https://indieweb.org/card
2019-02-19 21:47
Dublin core The Dublin Core Schema is a small set of vocabulary terms that can be used to describe digital resources (video, images, web pages, etc.), as well as physical resources such as books or CDs, and objects like artworks https://indieweb.org/Dublin_core
2019-02-06 19:23