136 results for "NextJS"

  • THIS IS IT. I’ve finished the h-entry React component. Looks beautiful, isn’t it? #React #nextjs #IndieWeb https://t.co/BeF7xTi0kX
    Loqi at 2019-12-08 22:16
  • Success! Thanks to #nextjs I’m able to use #React to render my posts without losing ability to curl them. #indieweb #JSDR It even looks pretty enough without JS; though Twemoji icons aren’t rendered. https://fireburn.ru/media/c1/7a/b0/76/adf468a3522b8d392d7873b8b6f7ec4eadc30bc10d20b541dfb47ea0.png
    Loqi at 2019-12-08 14:37
  • Success! Thanks to #nextjs I’m able to use #React to render my posts without losing ability to curl them. #indieweb #JSDR It even looks pretty enough without JS; though Twemoji icons aren’t rendered.
    Loqi at 2019-12-08 14:34
  • This is what I call success! I’m able to render my posts with #React and at the same time curl them! By the way, I tested this with JS disabled, and it still looks pretty good! #JSDR # indieweb #nextjs
    Loqi at 2019-12-08 14:30
  • Yeah well nextjs is solid. Highly recommended.
    [grantcodes] at 2019-12-07 12:49
  • vika_nezrimaya: have a look at nextjs or razzle. Or it's possible to roll your own but quite in depth
    [grantcodes] at 2019-12-07 12:47
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