results for "what is tantek"
[tantek] are you suggesting making a "quotation" post for each "loose thread of thought"? this could work i guess, but looking at indieweb.org/quotation i'm not sure. the "why" section calls out things like "portion not whole" and "secondary brief commentary" which lead me away from the concept. unfortunately i'm not entirely sure what the true purpose is here; maybe i should figure that out first lol. but looking at "instead use", i can say
2024-09-28 20:50
what is diversity?
2024-09-28 19:27
what is indielogin
2024-09-27 01:44
What product or service is that?
2024-09-26 23:13
What is Social Web Foundation?
2024-09-24 21:15
[preview] [[tantek]] ooh I got it, I think. anytime someone answers a "what is" question/response from Loqi with something of the form "x is full-URL-including-https" WITH NOTHING ELSE then instead of creating a page for x, Loqi adds a "* '''<dfn id='x'>x</dfn>''' is ful...
2024-09-23 17:45
what is getting started
2024-09-23 16:49
!tell [snarfed] ah I see my posts are gone from lots of tag searches now. that's really too bad / sad as that's one place people do (re-)discover posts, when they themselves blog about a topic, and then go see what others have said on that topic previously. re: "still looking at exactly what/how I can repair" - here is a suggestion: if I resend a webmention to BF for an old post of mine, BF should go deliver it to everyone. if BF thinks it
2024-09-23 04:21
what is Technorati
2024-09-23 04:07
this is what Technorati did for (nearly?) all blogs back in the mid-2000s. millions of blogs
2024-09-23 04:05