2771 results for ""It works""

  • pcarrier[d] I figured it out! It works perfectly, receiving the webmentions but cloud flare recognises environment variables in a different way compared to netlify
    cophee at 2024-05-21 13:27
  • yeah the new API changed so much, I'm basically back to square one learning how it works
    [keithjgrant] at 2024-05-20 19:37
  • really weird since it works locally after auth but blanks out in prod
    cophee at 2024-05-17 08:17
  • localStorage is the other common option. I’m not familiar enough with navigator.storage / StorageManager API to know enough about how it works—it seems like it might be a synonym for localStorage but I could be dead wrong.
    [Joe_Crawford] at 2024-05-16 16:25
  • I feel like micro.blog should be before the other options, especially since it works on the Fediverse and Bluesky to some extent
    gRegor at 2024-05-16 04:43
  • It works superbly! An IndieSearch of two 😄 Thank you for experimenting with this with me!
    [byJP] at 2024-05-13 11:20
  • the worst part of activitypub isn't how it works, it's the unexpected side effects of "federating" IMO
    prologic at 2024-05-11 09:11
  • it works like most queueing things, you put a job on to the queue (or schedule it in the future) and then any number of workers can take a job off the queue to process it
    aaronpk at 2024-05-10 15:28
  • I'll go see if it works right now!
    sandra at 2024-05-09 18:42
  • aaronpk++ gotten multiple feedback in the last few days that the tag-based event calendars on events dot indieweb are important for folks interested in Front End Study Hall... so thanks for that! (whether you implemented all that or are the current caretaker or both I'm so glad it works!)
    [Joe_Crawford] at 2024-05-09 17:12
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