67 results for "tantek positive"

  • capjamesg, RSS+enclosures was "good enough" and "simple enough" for folks to prototype and get a positive feedback loop of publishers & consuming apps working and enough "early adopter" / "power user" adoption to be the "obvious" choice of an ecosystem to support/supplant when Apple decided to get into podcasting
    [tantek] at 2022-12-29 21:06
  • Though it was also the turnaround point so perhaps that's a positive. 2009 was indieweb rockbottom for me. And also when I started coding /Falcon, with an intent to go 100% back to owning my own notes on 2010-01-01, which I did, even if it took me 25 days to get POSSEing working 🙂
    [tantek] at 2019-10-11 10:28
  • Web We Found was a talk and presentation by {{kevinmarks]] at Le Web 2013 that summarized the start of various positive trends and patterns from 2003 onward, like blogging, building on open protocols, which have grown since, many incorporated into the IndieWeb, and provides hopeful counterpoint to [[The Web We Lost]].
    [tantek] at 2020-03-30 00:04
  • in my unending quest of brainstorming webmention filtering / ordering, since so much of the backlog is from Twitter, I'm considering another algorithm/heuristic of a "positive" signal. if a tweet reply is from an account that rel=me validates with an IndieWeb site, then that's more "real" than other twitter accounts
    [tantek] at 2020-07-16 21:37
  • Another positive thing from this article is that the combination of IndieWebify.me and the [IndieMark] "Levels" helped provide a roadmap of sorts that gave a relatively direct path to follow, a sense of achievement ("*Level 2 IndieWeb citizen*"), and a clear idea of next steps: "What I’m currently missing is a way of having IndieWeb conversations (IndieWeb level 3, according to IndieWebify.me)"
    [tantek] at 2022-08-03 18:31
  • note to self and [snarfed] and whoever shows up to SocialCG meetings, please remember to speak up during "Community Announcements" and announce any/all upcoming events, HWC, IWC, pop-ups and be welcoming, inviting, inclusive of everyone in the CG call. It's definitely an aligned enough group and subset of the SocialCG that I see positive cross-pollination opportunities
    [tantek] at 2024-05-03 23:24
  • I mean sure, there's a lot of design aspects of Twitter that likely contribute to its problematic nature. I'm not sure that "realtime" is essentially the cause of those problems though maybe it may amplify some of them? In other contexts (e.g. chat like here, or GitHub comments showing up on an issue while you're looking at it), real time is quite positive
    [tantek] at 2021-10-13 21:40
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