99 results for "problem solve tantek"

  • the point is not to ask "how can I use webmention to solve this problem" the point is to ask how can I solve this problem with user-actions, and then what posts/protocols/formats could/would work to solve those user actions?
    tantek at 2016-02-28 20:44
  • we are not saying that we won't solve the aggregation problem, it's just not the first problem to solve.
    tantek at 2014-09-11 10:40
  • to solve that problem
    tantek at 2013-05-21 18:20
  • I realize that means a problem defined in terms of a previous problem, but I do think that means that to solve the address book problem we must reframe the problem and ask different questions.
    tantek at 2013-06-03 04:15
  • ben_thatmustbeme: besides it hasn't been a "problem" per se on indiewebcamp, so need to solve a non-problem.
    tantek at 2015-06-22 20:54
  • tantek: just like we pre-emptively tried to solve the harrassment problem with vouch, maybe DDOS is also a pre-emptively soluble problem?
    KartikPrabhu at 2014-12-19 02:20
  • worse, by being too general it doesn't actually do a good job of solving ANY problem, and you still have to solve the problem in the next layer!
    tantek at 2017-03-31 19:35
  • tantek: yeah, just thinking that those three user stories maps to POSSE, Webmention and Micropub – so one has to check what problem one wants to solve and then look how IndieWeb can solve that
    voxpelli at 2016-07-08 19:36
  • also, it's typically premature to solve "eventually ... " type problems on a wiki, because you can just wait til they actually become a problem, and in the meanwhile solve *immediate* problems first, intead of "eventually" problems.
    tantek at 2017-03-10 19:54
  • every question you ask is you figuring out how to solve that problem
    tantek at 2011-06-28 21:04
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