339 results for "nofollow"

  • I have an IndieAuth question. Let's say I have 5 different tiny micropub websites on subdomains. How do I sign into them using `IndieAuth.com`? If I use a rel="me" link to GitHub on each site that would work except I can only have one rel="me" on GitHub because it changes rel="me" to rel="nofollow" in the profile page markdown.
    batkin[m] at 2021-06-19 21:01
  • I do not have the control over the rel="nofollow", which is added by default by the writefreely (the blog generator)
    LaBcasse[m] at 2021-06-12 20:52
  • hmm might it be because your link to indienews is marked rel nofollow?
    barnaby at 2021-06-12 20:46
  • both ugc and sponsored are supported by WordPress. IANA listing https://www.iana.org/assignments/link-relations/link-relations.xhtml only points to Google blog post https://developers.google.com/search/blog/2019/09/evolving-nofollow-new-ways-to-identify that I can tell.
    [chrisaldrich] at 2021-05-24 03:57
  • should we add 'sponsored' and 'ugc' to https://microformats.org/wiki/existing-rel-values somewhere? I don’t know how widely used sponsored is, but ugc is supported by wordpress https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nofollow#Qualified_outbound_links
    barnabywalters at 2021-05-24 00:05
  • huh I didn’t know about rel sponsored and ugc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nofollow#Qualified_outbound_links
    barnabywalters at 2021-05-24 00:00
  • I’d say it’s still valid for the purposes of relmeauth, but the rel nofollow is more saying “gh doesn’t take responsibility for this site, don’t ascribe a higher reputation to this site because GH linked to it”
    barnabywalters at 2021-05-23 23:55
  • but the rel me link is actually a rel nofollow me link
    sparseMatrix at 2021-05-23 23:54
  • sigh, rel=nofollow is not the answer to "SEO spammer" webmentions, but rather deleting them in the first place. Don't accept links to garbage on your website, why is that not obvious?
    [tantek] at 2021-01-04 21:48
  • ↩️ Might want to add rel=nofollow to your webmentions, or else they'll become a high-value SEO spammer honeypot
    Loqi at 2021-01-04 21:20
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