66 results for "naming is hard"

  • I once had an awesome Zeega presentation on naming things is hard: http://walkmyworld.jgregorymcverry.com/ too bad I only backed it up on storify. Now they are both gone forever
    jgmac1106 at 2018-05-13 16:55
  • Need some feedback. When I created the jekyll-indieweb I didn't think too much about a name for the project, wanted something easy to find and well, naming things are hard. Jekyll is going towards gem based themes and wondering if I should rethink the name.
    miklb at 2016-05-21 20:09
  • naming event software or a service is going to be especially hard because there are so many businesses based on / around events and event organizing that there's A LOT of people trying to name things in that space in particular for a long time
    [tantek] at 2019-12-22 18:56
  • Yeah... blame that one on naming being hard. IndieAuth.com can do two things: function as a login handler for apps *and* function as a authorization endpoint for users. The first part is being replaced with indielogin.com (as it already has been on indieweb.org), the second part does not have a replacement yet
    Zegnat at 2020-11-21 15:06
  • Naming is hard, yes, even, especially for a personal site since you have to pick both a name you like as a representation of yourself, and one that hasn’t been already taken, though sometimes you can ask nicely (or pay a lot) for domains that are registered but unused https://indieweb.org/bikeshed
    Loqi at 2022-11-18 21:18
  • As I try to install a full suite of IndieWeb tools and Fediverse software, I want to try to preserve the experience: because it's hard to remember it once one is in and comfortable: I have no idea how to setup the namespaces (I screwed up my Mastodon naming right out of the gate), whether the various tools are going to pan out for my goals, etc. It's hard to envision what the final product will look...what am I aiming for exactly? Do I
    [Aaron_Klemm] at 2020-04-16 18:56
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