252 results for "microformats wordpress theme"

  • Has anyone looked at the microformats in the Twenty Nineteen Theme? Or how IndieWeb friendly it is?
    chrisaldrich at 2019-04-10 03:48
  • the mf2 plugin doesn't work when a theme carries any legacy microformats
    [jgmac1106] at 2019-10-04 17:26
  • We don’t, but GWG has added microformats to a few things including the recommended base theme which are all available on his GitHub profile
    [Rose] at 2019-10-09 22:22
  • It's supposed to be a way of dealing with no microformats in your theme
    GWG at 2023-01-12 02:26
  • digiSal: It sort of works. A theme that supports Microformats 2 is better than the plugin, which can only do so much
    GWG at 2021-05-23 06:50
  • I am using microformats in a wordpress theme I am developing and I was curious if there is something specific I was missing
    tacoburgler at 2011-11-22 22:53
  • ISO - Responsive ...: http://wpsonar.com/iso-responsive-wordpress-woocommerce-theme-photography/ #Ajax #Client #Creative #Exif #Lightbox #Microformats #Minification https://twitter.com/Wpsonar/status/608367079004209152/photo/1
    Loqi at 2015-06-09 22:16
  • Interesting: "Autonomie" is a semantic, responsive, accessible #WordPress theme (via @pfefferle) with microformats and microdata support. #OpenWeb #IndieWeb https://github.com/pfefferle/Autonomie
    Loqi at 2019-09-24 22:38
  • Microformats2 adds markup to your theme if it doesn't support Microformats 2, which is what is used to figure out what a like is.
    GWG at 2018-01-07 23:48
  • [jgmac1106] the independent publisher theme on github and WordPress.ORG should be the same. It's the one from WordPress.COM that doesn't have the microformats you want.
    [chrisaldrich] at 2018-07-27 19:19
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