252 results for "microformats wordpress theme"

  • gwg, [pfefferle] should the microformats plugin inject dtpublished? that seems to be the only thing missing from my theme
    [jgmac1106] at 2019-04-08 19:49
  • If you want to try a different approach I recommend you search your old theme for older microformats such as hentry...
    [jgmac1106] at 2019-06-01 03:14
  • I was debating using a plugin and creating custom files in my theme with microformats - but most of these plugins are crazy big
    [Rose] at 2019-03-26 14:09
  • It is usually old microformats in the theme that cause the conflict.
    [jgmac1106] at 2020-01-05 13:22
  • as a proof of concept and to compare. You need to hold your theme up to another theme. Really the first step has to be native microformats. Yes?
    jgmac1106 at 2018-06-02 00:20
  • Someone was asking earlier why Microformats 2 has to be supported in each individual theme. We use the Divi theme on a org site and want to include some IndieWeb functionality.
    cambridgeport90[ at 2019-10-12 23:41
  • Speaking of themes, I ran across a nice minimalist /commonplace_book theme the other day. I may need to add some microformats into it: https://github.com/piperhaywood/commonplace-wp-theme
    [chrisaldrich]1 at 2021-09-10 19:49
  • [indieweb] wordpress-uf2: add "Microformats 2" classes to your WordPress theme
    Loqi at 2018-03-07 01:33
  • At first it was “your theme support for microformats is not good”, so I installed the Microformats2 plugin but … that had inconsistent results so I switched to the very unattractive “IndieWeb Twenty Sixteen” theme but then still have issues. I am ready to give up.
    [Khurt_Williams] at 2018-07-29 15:31
  • @Big_D01 I'm using a free service called Bridgy http://www.brid.gy along with a WordPress theme that supports microformats 2 and a few WordPress plugins.
    Loqi at 2017-12-29 18:38
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