252 results for "microformats wordpress theme"

  • I don't think that the theme developers will be open to adding in microformats support either.
    [unoabraham] at 2018-04-22 07:12
  • [dshanske] mf2_s: Microformats 2 Version of Underscores Starter Theme with Indieweb Support ( Not under active development)
    Loqi at 2018-10-04 15:35
  • Awesome. Yeah that plugin is more of a stop gap for people that don’t have a microformats ready theme
    [miklb] at 2017-10-18 07:29
  • He's a theme developer who is interested in adding microformats to themes and might be able to help you out as well.
    [chrisaldrich] at 2018-11-16 19:57
  • if you select the microformats filter in the theme area, you get only 375 of 3.443 themes
    [pfefferle] at 2018-08-19 20:52
  • [pfefferle] new theme getting great reviews and removal of microformats is in overall WP.org roadmap... That will help in a way when it happens
    [jgmac1106] at 2019-06-07 19:43
  • You could do that without the theme ever knowing or caring about microformats, I think, though there might be other drawbacks.
    [apatters] at 2017-06-26 17:19
  • I understand the plug-in itself is very limited, a theme with microformats support is the way to go.
    [unoabraham] at 2018-05-09 03:27
  • Maybe that is place to start, search WP.org themes for "microformats" install plugins, if all is well add it to approved theme page
    [jgmac1106] at 2018-06-07 22:45
  • [unoabraham]: If the Microformats 2 plugin isn't helping you, I would disable it. It does not work for every theme.
    GWG at 2018-04-29 02:38
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