252 results for "microformats wordpress theme"

  • RE: WordPress microformats: I doubt it is a good idea, but definitely more possible in the wp ecosystem would be to have a plugin output hidden `data` tags with all the required markup. It's dirty, but it would work with every theme
    [grantcodes] at 2018-07-30 17:33
  • ↩️ #indieweb Neil Mather: I've also made a custom wordpress theme built on underscores and it was quite easy as the microformats came from the Post Kinds plugin
    Loqi at 2020-03-14 12:20
  • ↩️ I'm not sure what you're asking here? What functionality are you looking for in a theme beyond what is already set up within the two WordPress webmention plugins (Webmention and Semantic Linkbacks)? Are you asking about Microformats markup in themes? (https://boffosocko.com/2021/08/17/55794876/)
    Loqi at 2021-08-17 18:50
  • two things I reguarly see as problematic when pouring over markup on WP sites: a) h-entry on body, so every dodgy class in a sidebar element, menu etc leaks (e.g. the problem above: if the menu were outside the h-entry, nothing would care that there's a u-url where there shouldn't be one) b) plugins adding stuff to the post body, and unless the theme catches it(?) it gets appended to the microformats content, so you get "see
    sknebel at 2018-07-29 20:47
  • How I wish that the theme search tool in wordpress included a checkbox for microformats2 the way it does for microformats... it could spur some broader themer adoption of its use...
    [chrisaldrich] at 2016-06-21 21:49
  • For IndieWebCamp 2020 Online, I'm working at improving my WordPress Twenty Fifteen Theme so that it has some additional microformats support as well as support for other common #IndieWeb plugins like Syndication Links & Simple Location. [more...] https://boffosocko.com/2020/02/09/55766832/
    Loqi at 2020-02-09 18:21
  • #Autonomie (by @pfefferle) is a highly semantic, responsive, accessible & search engine optimized WordPress #Indieweb Theme. ... refined with microformats, microformats2 & microdata ... inspired by Medium, supports Gutenberg. https://indieweb.org/Autonomie
    Loqi at 2019-09-25 10:59
  • ↩️ thanks for the consideration, appreciated! @dshanske is the real #WordPress Theme #microformats2 expert. I’m sure he can file good issues. @ChrisAldrich is also great at adding #microformats & #IndieWeb to a #WordPressTheme. https://tantek.com/t53N2
    Loqi at 2019-11-02 23:36
  • [chrisaldrich] on the flip side, I'm still looking for input from WordPress (theme) experts on the potential use of additional class names in mf2 h-entry backcompat parsing specifically to get more information from widely deployed WordPress themes - would appreciate your analysis and insights on this issue: https://github.com/microformats/h-entry/issues/7
    [tantek] at 2019-04-29 19:37
  • of note, also, I recently started using it with a wordpress website on which I don't control the theme and markup, so I added the ability to edit the html in memory before it's passed over to the microformats parsing. Basically adding all the h-entry and other classes on the fly via a config file.
    ludovicchabant at 2023-10-25 21:53
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