125 results for "microformats wordpress theme"

  • after talking about adding microformats2 to WP themes last week at a WordCamp, I learn from Jan Boddez that yes microformats(1) were supported in WP within the Underscores starter theme by Automattic, but that these were removed in 2018. So the question moves from upgrading to re-adding it.
    [tonz] at 2022-09-18 08:46
  • Ah, so here was how I actually had assumed it worked: suppose you want to post an event. Some plugin/theme code throws up a metabox in your post editor with various microformats to select from, one is the event format. When you save your post the markup for that microformat is written along with it.
    [apatters] at 2017-06-26 17:19
  • It's all very prototypey/experimental, and my goal isn't actually post-kinds-for-Gutenberg (that's just a side-effect) because I've got OTHER Gutenberg-unfriendly plugins too! My goal, though, is to outsource microformats-stuff to my theme and just use post-kinds for the backend interface.
    [Dan_Q] at 2020-03-15 17:47
  • Hello @gregL[m] I use WordPress and have installed all of the IndieWeb plugins but removed Post Kinds and Microformats 2 since they needed the classic editor. I use a full site editing theme, Twenty Twenty Three. I don’t want to use the Classic Editor, but notice when I use any micropub editing tool that the results is a classic editor block. When I set out on this journey in the IndieWeb which I only discovered near
    [Michelle_Moore] at 2022-12-31 12:22
  • two things I reguarly see as problematic when pouring over markup on WP sites: a) h-entry on body, so every dodgy class in a sidebar element, menu etc leaks (e.g. the problem above: if the menu were outside the h-entry, nothing would care that there's a u-url where there shouldn't be one) b) plugins adding stuff to the post body, and unless the theme catches it(?) it gets appended to the microformats content, so you get "see
    sknebel at 2018-07-29 20:47
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