252 results for "microformats wordpress theme"

  • And equally afraid that we'd lose a section of people who could get some basic microformats but wouldn't switch to a friendly theme.
    GWG at 2018-04-22 04:24
  • [IndieWeb WordPress Outreach Club] Description It is only a very basic implementation, because not every element is accessible through actions or filters. It is better to use a theme that supports Microformats 2 fully. FAQ What are Microformats 2? Microformats are a simple way...
    Loqi at 2018-04-22 04:22
  • I meant adding Microformats to WordPress theme.
    [unoabraham] at 2018-04-21 14:48
  • Theme authors really just need to have better microformats support, and the WordPress pieces added after that for webmentions should "just work".
    chrisaldrich at 2018-04-04 21:09
  • I can try to tweak around with a test install I've got with Independent Publisher to see what's causing it, but I know that GWG had been doing some pull requests against that theme to improve it's microformats support so things like your u-photo problem don't happen with the Bridgy Publish Plugin.
    chrisaldrich at 2018-03-27 23:51
  • tantek, it sounds like she was having issues with POSSE from her site to Twitter, et al. and that's usually a microformats issue in the theme being parsed to translate to the target properly.
    chrisaldrich at 2018-03-26 22:18
  • aaronpk: I meant, I forked a stock WordPress theme and never fixed it
    GWG at 2018-03-09 01:50
  • [indieweb] wordpress-uf2: add "Microformats 2" classes to your WordPress theme
    Loqi at 2018-03-07 01:33
  • I took the the python uf parser, wrapped a main program around it, and have it dump the parsed microformats out in JSON from a given URL. I'm throwing this at a test Wordpress installation where I switch between Independent Publisher (with uf) and my pinboard theme. Theoretically (right?) the uf JSON output should be the same. Bit it isn't at all.
    j12t at 2018-02-23 05:26
  • I've been trying to make the pinboard theme speak microformats. I notice that the syndication-links plugin seems to put its thing ("<ul class=relsyn...") into my <div class=e-content... But all that the theme has is basically "<div class=e-content><?php the_content(); ?></div>
    j12t at 2018-01-27 06:23
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