6 results for "microformats hard"

  • Microformats are a nice solution, but very hard for CMSs...
    [pfefferle] at 2018-07-24 13:29
  • The goal of me switching Syndication Links to Micropub is that it would work without Microformats, which some people find hard to address.
    GWG at 2023-03-12 00:41
  • miklb, that is in part because different consumers might look for different data points. There are no hard requirements. Your microformats “fail” when the application you are trying to feed the data to needs more.
    Zegnat at 2018-08-20 19:51
  • https://indiechat.search.cweiske.de/?q=microformats+hard
    [jgmac1106] at 2018-10-04 15:50
  • Some of the poor legacy use is hard coded into WordPress core while other parts are just theme developers who don't know how to properly use or next microformats. Then there's also the issue of themers targeting semantic classes for CSS and JS which can cause things to break when using hooks/filters to inject mf2 programmatically, which is what the microformats plugin is trying to do.
    [chrisaldrich] at 2018-06-15 20:52
  • thanks aaronpk sknebel for discussing my blogpost on WP and webmentions here. It's part about the theme vs plugins. I think the original issue is how it can be hard to discern if some issue originates with the microformats, the theme or something else at the sender's, or with the plugins, microformats, theme at the target's side.
    tonzyl at 2018-07-07 20:43
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