389 results for "microformats hard"

  • RDF being hard != something not being RDF
    [Simon_Gray]1 at 2022-06-21 16:52
  • Is there a video of this? Really hard to follow all this audio only
    gRegor at 2022-04-29 21:50
  • ↩️ That was an awfully formatted “auto-tweet”. Sorry about that. Microformats are hard to get right I guess…
    Loqi at 2022-03-07 10:20
  • jeremycherfas know anything about this: https://github.com/danpros/htmly seems to have pretty decent reviews and actively maintained. peaking at the templates microformats would not be hard to add (remember your client doesn't care)
    [jgmac1106] at 2022-03-06 15:07
  • unrelated to this specifically, but about the parsing spec: since I was gone, has there been any discussion about how multi-line plaintext values are parsed? the way parsers currently handle line breaks and img src and alt text in p- and struct value keys can make them hard to use
    barnaby at 2022-02-23 20:57
  • But if we are indeed talking about writing stuff like ical/vcard entries in plain readable text I was always fan of reStructuredText interpreted text and directives. The goal of rST, driven by the hard to extend nature of old ST, was to have as much as possible forward compatibility and extension points if we want to put in structured data or other features.
    ccx at 2022-02-23 15:59
  • Are microformats supposed to work if they are client-side generated / added to the DOM by JavaScript? That sounds kind of hard to consume without actual browser.
    ccx at 2022-02-22 01:04
  • Err, I've meant it's hard to tell one should parse the site for microformats. But the same difficulty applies to regular feeds.
    ccx at 2022-02-22 00:18
  • It wouldn't be too hard to add h-dir, h-file, p-mod-time, p-size, etc to that listing and make it machine readable
    Anders at 2022-02-19 00:40
  • Good to know! I don’t know how hard this will be to tackle but I’ll take a look.
    capjamesg[d] at 2022-02-18 23:57
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