5 results for "microformats hard"

  • But yeah, IRC modes are hard. There also seem to be a couple other differences between the modes setup for #microformats and #indieweb.
    Zegnat at 2020-04-22 17:43
  • And it doesn't have to be Known to Known.. Webmentions is a W3C standard, makes the web our network. Webmentions do work and look better with microformats. This is why #IndieWeb struggles in WordPress. It is amazingly hard to add properties to HTML… https://quickthoughts.jgregorymcverry.com/2019/02/20/and-it-doesnt-have-to-be-known
    Loqi at 2019-02-20 23:50
  • agreed - a grid for an event is very useful -this isn't arbitrary nesting of events, it is the session grid that's needed, and it's been something we tried to come up with a way to add microformats to before and found it hard because of the implied time and venue from the grid. I think that is what drove the include pattern originally, though that probably is too complex.
    [KevinMarks] at 2021-01-16 06:23
  • ↩️ Looking I don’t see any microformats and I scrolled through list and I don’t see the microformats2 plugin. You can try it but it s hard to get correct metadata. WordPress #IndieWeb works best with SemPress,ZenPress, or 2016-IndieWeb (http://jgregorymcverry.com/7870-2/)
    Loqi at 2018-10-12 18:13
  • [superfeedr] "my #SFAllHands ⚡️intro * 8 yrs #openweb #standards @Mozilla[1] * may know me from #CSS[2] #microformats[3] #indieweb[4] * recently Standards Outreach w @david_bryant * editing CSS2.2, #CSS scrollbars * interesting Vouch[5] * controversial opinion: technical contributors @Mozilla should be actively using their own website, even if just one blog post a year [1] https://wiki.mozilla.org/Standards [2] https://wiki.mozilla.org/CSS [3] microformats.org [4] https://indieweb.org/ [5] https://indieweb.org/Vouch - vouching as a practical decentralized solution to commenting, with some trust without requiring a hard-identity, designed to reduce abuse etc. as we have seen in centralized social media, but distributed across the web peer-to-peer" on 2018-06-11 http://tantek.com/2018/162/t1/sfallhands-intro-openweb-mozilla
    Loqi at 2018-06-11 23:13
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