118 results for "excitement"

  • What other excitement have I missed in the last 2+ weeks? I'm tempted to declare IRC bankrupcy and rely on the newsletter & schmarty's podcast to catch up, but may have to skim through everything anyway.
    [chrisaldrich] at 2017-09-20 02:39
  • and certainly welcome your "pledge to help however I can, and I begin with this note of encouragement borne on equal parts hope, personal excitement, and benevolent impatience"!
    tantek at 2018-05-04 21:03
  • @annbass @rhiaro @SocialWebWG To be clear, I wasn't trying to shame anyone for not joining, just trying to say "Hey! This is exciting! I hope you can join in our party over here and join in the excitement too!" :)
    Loqi at 2017-12-04 07:09
  • created /Major_Details_For_Cheating_Housewives_Around_The_Usa (+3414) "New page: They still are working on it to really make it work, the majority of us compromise and adjust to situations and make the marriage work. The excitement of doing [http://Mondediplo.com/spip..."
    Loqi at 2013-07-22 09:07
  • i say it's a weakness for us only because we *could* position it that way instead and likely grow more excitement around it, and i *could* try to actively improve webmention.io instead of intentionally limiting it to encourage others to build better ones
    aaronpk at 2021-02-08 18:43
  • with the (growing?) excitement about 88x31 and/or 80x15 buttons, should we create separate (new) pages for those that then have their own IndieWeb Examples sections and links to the larger galleries like shared above?
    [tantek] at 2024-01-05 18:18
  • With the excitement for the new Instagram multi-photo posts at hand, did anyone ever figure out a way to POSSE/PESOS their "Your story" posts? Or were those so ephemeral they weren't bothering with?
    [chrisaldrich] at 2017-02-23 02:19
  • It has also supported system settings based dark mode in edge, way before the current osx dark mode excitement 😛 I guess I should implement that as well though
    [grantcodes] at 2018-11-18 01:19
  • sandro: that's exactly the argument I made, a few years ago there was business intro in open social and that died down, but I'm trying to make the argument that there's reason to see excitement and the Mastodon stuff shows interest / value
    cwebber2 at 2017-05-19 18:37
  • anyway, when something is hard to navigate like that, it kinda saps all the excitement and creative energy to actually do something new or contribute, so now I don't have any idea what kind of pop-up topic I'd want to do
    [tantek] at 2020-12-04 22:29
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