822 results for "aral"

  • It may take a while, but I think that focusing on functionality and ease-of-use will eventually bring more and more people into a healthier ecosystem. By providing a better experience and more flexibility, we'll get to a tipping point where IndieWeb solutions are more mainstream and become the default. It may not completely kill the silos, but it will dramatically marginalize them. Aral and the all-or-nothing crowd never have a chance to get
    [chrisaldrich] at 2020-12-03 16:59
  • All these phrases depend on the context. Small is a terrible choice of word for the Aral meaning: he's small means strictly indipendent websites. For others, like that essay, the small web is means those websites that had basically fallen of Google - either buried too deep, on page X (X > 10), or literally not indexed any more, because there was no update for a decade. (Not that there's anything to update on, say, the welsh slate indus
    petermolnar at 2020-08-25 12:19
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