822 results for "aral"

  • Hey Tantek, any chance you can bring Brad with you when you pop over for Indie Web Camp? :) Wondering if we can’t build the file system for Prometheus on top of Camlistore… *goes back to playing with it
    aral at 2013-08-20 21:26
  • Tell your non”geeky friends too (we have capacity for 30). As I’d like non”über”geeks to be able to sign up, I’ll put the sign-up on Tito or something over the weekend or on Monday
    aral at 2013-08-16 14:50
  • aaronpk - np, I thought it was the kind of thing that would be better documented on the wiki rather than a blog post - too many things Aral got wrong on a point by point basis.
    tantek at 2013-09-01 17:17
  • RT @aral: “Google Play Services is Google’s new platform.” (And it’s closed.) http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/09/balky-carriers-and-slow-oems-step-aside-google-is-defragging-android/ Ht @0xabad1dea #indiedata
    Loqi at 2013-09-03 10:11
  • quoting aral, "I don’t think the benefit of using Indie as the trading name for Article 12 Ltd ... is worth the confusion and fear/uncertainty/doubt that it might cause. So we’re going to drop it and use the current company name..."
    aaronpk at 2014-04-22 00:42
  • I can't be bothered to call Aral out on that BS on Twitter so I'm just doing it here (where you guys can call me out if I'm wrong instead)
    tantek at 2014-02-27 20:24
  • This is a whole new tragedy of the commons: people don't know where the commons actually are anymore. #indieweb http://boffosocko.com/2017/02/22/%f0%9f%91%93-encouraging-individual-sovereignty-and-a-healthy-commons-by-aral-balkan/
    Loqi at 2017-02-22 19:41
  • xxcoeurxx: hmm i did raise this question before: http://indiewebcamp.com/irc/2014-10-01#t1412199537860 and seems like no one knows but aral, and I don't want to publically question him...
    KartikPrabhu at 2014-10-03 04:53
  • [bridgy] Aaron Parecki replied '@aral I'm sorry, fun was not the right word. I was just disappointed to see your reaction to the fallout from the announcement' to a tweet https://indiewebcamp.com/ind.ie#not-indieweb (https://twitter.com/aaronpk/status/555397128898363392)
    Loqi at 2015-01-14 17:15
  • RT @voxpelli Great talk by @laurakalbag at @Malmo_CM today + great chat with @aral. Great inspiration for my talk this wednesday: http://www.foocafe.org/event/beyond-twitter-an-indieweb-future-for-social-media
    Loqi at 2016-03-18 16:06
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