782 results for "aral"

  • Have you ever considered that other people might have different priorities from you ...and that's okay? e.g. Just because someone doesn't tweet from their own website (like me or Aral) doesn't make them the antichrist.
    adactio at 2014-04-22 19:17
  • @aral It's worth noting we had a much better balance at @indiewebcamp Portland http://aaronparecki.com/notes/2014/06/30/1/indiewebcamp Definitely... http://aaronparecki.com/replies/2014/08/12/1/indiewebcamp
    Loqi at 2014-08-12 17:40
  • RT @mozzadrella: @anoemi @aral Hi there. Here's a write up of my recommended course of action: http://mozzadrella.me/post/94478195501/how-to-design-a-conference-for-equity-and-learning +@indiewebcamp
    Loqi at 2014-08-12 17:52
  • hmm. i feel like indiewebcamp has made amazing progress on the web technologies front while arkos has cool ideas for self-hosting private clouds. regardless of what aral thinks, they're both "independent technology". a label makes them easier to find.
    cuibonobo at 2014-08-15 00:11
  • And I really need to write a little something about how the goal of Prometheus really is to realise indieweb/indie data/‘indie self’ for the mainstream. To make it not just a seamless experience but, hopefully, a lovely one :)
    aral at 2013-07-19 15:50
  • a continuum as it were - a concept not foreign to Aral, as he himself wrote about the problem of the false dichotomy of sites vs. apps and the continuum that actually exists: http://aralbalkan.com/notes/the-documents-to-applications-continuum/
    tantek at 2013-08-31 18:40
  • aaronpk - the sadder thing is, I don't think Aral fundamentally understands what "movement" "initiative" and "community" mean (judging by his lack of engagement here in IRC and on the wiki)
    tantek at 2013-08-31 19:11
  • barnabywalters: tantek left you a message 12 hours, 56 minutes ago: Aral doesn't intend to be trollish or make you angry. He's genuinely trying to improve usability. His ideas may not necessarily have merit for doing so, however the motivation and method (fewer steps) are right on.
    Loqi at 2013-09-01 13:10
  • RT @aral: “Google Play Services is Google’s new platform.” (And it’s closed.) http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/09/balky-carriers-and-slow-oems-step-aside-google-is-defragging-android/ Ht @0xabad1dea #indiedata
    Loqi at 2013-09-03 01:26
  • RT @aral: “Google Play Services is Google’s new platform.” (And it’s closed.) http://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2013/09/balky-carriers-and-slow-oems-step-aside-google-is-defragging-android/ Ht @0xabad1dea #indiedata
    Loqi at 2013-09-03 01:34
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