25 results for "aral"

  • RT @Austin@indieweb.social aral 2013 wow. Sadly I was not there but it was the coverage of that event in Linux Format that made me aware of what is now small-tech. I binged all the vids, supported the Heartbeat alpha and met aral at a talk in Bath. (and stalked you a bit (1/2)
    Loqi at 2021-05-25 19:55
  • i have an email open to laura asking for her to expand upon her ideas in a standalone video.. that puts the burden on her to, what, get Aral and her to small-tech a video? i honestly couldn't do that to her.. seeing the way he cut her off like that.. does she.. talk all by herself? she could find her own group but that puts another burden on her.. i'd like to bring it up at HWC for a second.. i'd like
    lahacker at 2021-03-17 23:44
  • Great list to spread - https://fosstodon.org/@markosaric - https://mastodon.ar.al/@aral - https://noeldemartin.social/@noeldemartin - https://social.coop/@flancian - https://fosstodon.org/@michaellewis - https://indieweb.social/@bonfire - https://merveilles.town/@cinnamon - https://mastodon.social/@elementary - https://kosmos.social/@remotestorage - https://toot.cafe/@nolan
    Loqi at 2020-12-27 12:50
  • ↩️ - https://fosstodon.org/@markosaric - https://mastodon.ar.al/@aral - https://noeldemartin.social/@noeldemartin - https://social.coop/@flancian - https://fosstodon.org/@michaellewis - https://indieweb.social/@bonfire - https://merveilles.town/@cinnamon - https://mastodon.social/@elementary - https://kosmos.social/@remotestorage - https://toot.cafe/@nolan
    Loqi at 2020-12-23 17:10
  • ↩️ Jarraitu @tantek eta @aral. https://indieweb.org eta http://sitejs.org
    Loqi at 2020-12-18 20:40
  • Where's the best place to get help using #SiteJS @aral? I'd like to package a half dozen #IndieWeb routes for others to reuse without clobbering their routes.js or having to move groups of dirs/files into place. Is there a way to designate routes in an npm module?
    Loqi at 2020-10-31 20:15
  • https://twitter.com/aral/status/1322150412703641601
    aaronpk at 2020-10-30 14:36
  • someone please tell aral that this is what happens if he makes cheap knockoffs from others' ideas
    petermolnar at 2020-10-30 13:38
  • Small Web is a confusing term recently introduced by Aral Balkan in a blog post https://indieweb.org/small_web
    Loqi at 2020-08-26 13:33
  • edited /small_web (+233) "toning it down a bit and adding references to Aral, because the entry doesn't make sense without context."
    Loqi at 2020-08-26 13:32
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