782 results for "aral"

  • @aral @jbrewer https://withknown.com/
    Loqi at 2015-03-31 06:34
  • wow is https://bigboringsystem.com/post/post!1421164266-5a another example confusion between Aral / ind.ie and IndieWeb?
    tantek at 2015-03-31 02:35
  • @aral wow, am I disappointed in you
    Loqi at 2015-03-26 23:07
  • Here's a good litmus test - I hope I never see anyone here say something as entitled and privileged sounding as this: https://twitter.com/aral/status/581177277679030272
    tantek at 2015-03-26 23:05
  • regardless, we cannot help what Aral does, he's going to speak his mind the way he sees fit
    tantek at 2015-03-26 23:01
  • different than brand confusion sure, but nonetheless the confusion centers on Aral and the way he uses Twitter
    tantek at 2015-03-26 23:01
  • kylewm: I believe that reflects confusion that Aral is any kind of active part of this community or a leader or some such
    tantek at 2015-03-26 23:00
  • and that seems a lot more directed at us than aral
    kylewm at 2015-03-26 23:00
  • kylewm: given the context of the twitter-fight with Aral, that seems to be the preponderance of (or only source of) evidence
    tantek at 2015-03-26 22:59
  • Thus Ashe's original tweet appears to be another instance of "ind.ie == Aral" confusion with "indie web".
    tantek at 2015-03-26 22:57
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