74 results for "alternate"

  • [miklb] was looking at it to see if it can be a tool to create IndieWeb themes, making old themes compliant is fools gold maybe only possible with the rel="alternate" approach of mfs feed plugin.....which gets users but violates principle of human first readable metadata
    [jgmac1106] at 2018-12-09 16:52
  • if the goal is for every parser to adopt rel=alternate then it wouldn’t matter how good the mf2 in the theme is, it would never get looked at. If it will be a maybe/maybe not every parser, then there still needs to be good mf2 in WP themes. In which case, I’m back to my question where are the conflicts with WP core mf1? Or are there anymore.
    [miklb] at 2018-08-02 04:48
  • yeah [pfefferle] I was just thinking what could make the most themes as compliant as possible, if the mf2 plugin was deprecated and another mf2 plugin based on rel+alternate" for article, status, quote...the default WP post types we could get ton of these compliant ASAP
    [jgmac1106] at 2018-08-06 16:30
  • reed there used to be a Medium made plugin for WordPress that used to do it. Now that that's broken, I don't use it very often. Medium also did have a per-post importer that would set the proper rel=alternate flag in the Medium copy so that your original post would be preferred by search engines.
    [chrisaldrich] at 2021-01-08 21:15
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