27 results for "alternate"

  • ... If anyone has clear thoughts on how this alternate route would work I'd like to look at it
    rhiaro at 2017-07-11 19:45
  • cwebber2: An alternate suggestion: when this happens, is it severe?
    bengo at 2018-02-14 18:02
  • cwebber2: in practice things are gonna have to work very differently in order to actually work with alternate URL schemes so im not super concerned about that use case right now
    aaronpk at 2018-08-13 23:42
  • an alternate way to do it is to have a thread be a top level post, and then use inReplyTo to construct all the replies in the chain
    cwebber2 at 2017-07-31 19:05
  • I think the server should say which field it is ordering by, and the client can request an alternate field but is free to ignore the client's preference
    saranix at 2017-07-17 03:30
  • ... I'm not against having a way to jump from someone' shomepage to their AP profile, but I'm hesitant about having an alternate way for somebody to have their profile linked in addressing or something like that
    rhiaro at 2017-04-25 17:57
  • "To make content available as ActivityStreams 2.0 JSON, one could do so directly when requested with an appropriate Accept header (eg. application/activity+json or application/ld+json), or indirectly via a rel="alternate" type="application/activity+json" link . This link could be to a different domain, for third-party services which dynamically generate ActivityStreams 2.0 JSON on behalf of a publisher."
    rhiaro at 2017-04-25 18:00
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