383 results for "alternate"

  • feeds/reader: question - It seems that the way peopel subscribe to sites is by linking the hompage into their reader which then finds the feeds using rel="alternate". So all the relevant feeds can be linked on the homepage for dscovery. How should this be done using h-feed since each feed will have a separate link. How can we link this right on the homepage?
    KartikPrabhu at 2014-03-28 01:45
  • I want to get back to hand-editing parts of my site, mostly the collections pages, because I want to break chronological ordering, and I want to create a human readable page that points to the sub entries. If I do this, maintaining it as a h-feed doesn't seem an easy feat. I'm aware I still need chronologically ordered feed for readers, but I'm a bit hesitant on having a rel=alternate h-feed - how accepted/common is it to do so?
    petermolnar at 2020-05-24 18:44
  • The map element is hidebound to a predetermined pixel width. It doesn't accommodate alternate units to start with. Add to that you can display an image in a container and have parts of it hidden in an overflow none context, you can have height and width attributes set but also override them, including dynamically, with CSS, and you can explicitly set object-fit now, hiding parts of the image. If the part of the image with the map is
    [Joe_Crawford] at 2024-02-19 19:22
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