367192 results for ""a""

  • Yeah, it's dealing with all of the picture+srcset+img stuff where I usually just punt and wish that HTML had some mechanism for a parameterized src. What I want is to include the aspect ratio, let the browser request image.jpg?w=X&h=Y based on what image size it calculates and the image CDN can be clever about generating and caching things.
    jimw at 2024-09-08 00:44
  • There’s quite a lot of coupling in the code thanks to that though. I’ll need to untangle that a bit soon.
    [qubyte] at 2024-09-08 00:01
  • I use plain old markdown for these. The generator is just juiced up to use the jpeg path as a lookup key for alternative scales and formats, and use those to make picture elements.
    [qubyte] at 2024-09-08 00:01
  • There are a bunch of examples here. Images are also lazy loaded so I don’t need to worry about pagination, at least for now. https://qubyte.codes/notes/
    [qubyte] at 2024-09-07 23:58
  • My static site generator reads widths and heights from each image as well, so when it’s producing picture+srcset+img groups it embeds the width and height in them. It works a treat.
    [qubyte] at 2024-09-07 23:57
  • When jpegs are added to a particular directory in my git repo (usually via micropub endpoint which strips metadata and resizes) a GitHub action treats it as a 2x jpeg, and generates a 1x plus both in webp and avif before committing the group. It’s starting to get a little busy in that directory though. https://github.com/qubyte/qubyte-codes/blob/main/.github/workflows/micropub-media-conversion.yml
    [qubyte] at 2024-09-07 23:52
  • Dealing with webp was a lot of work for very little marginal return
    [tantek] at 2024-09-07 21:40
  • I think it was an issue mainly with the CRM/platform we have to use thats not super great, had to go into a sort of deprecated classic view to even see the different renditions, people would forget to replace some webp renditions when they replaced the 1x and 2x, enough friction that it wasnt considered a thing to maintain
    [morganm] at 2024-09-07 21:39
  • Webp is handy enough but for some environments the burden is a thing
    [morganm] at 2024-09-07 21:37
  • At work there was a previous push to provide several alternate formats, such as a 1x png 2x png and webp. The churn of creating and some issues with maintaining webp led it to be eventually abandoned
    [morganm] at 2024-09-07 21:37
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