1113 results for "fail"

  • bnvk: tantek left you a message 6 minutes ago: godaddy JS crap app fail. no results.
    Loqi at 2014-03-18 17:34
  • !tell bnvk godaddy JS crap app fail. no results.
    tantek at 2014-03-18 17:27
  • fail!
    kylewm at 2014-03-18 00:43
  • where do you see a problem? I only ran nosetests under 2, which mostly fail, but they fail consistently between 2 and 3
    kylewm at 2014-03-14 00:54
  • er math fail. very late at night
    KevinMarks_ at 2014-03-12 17:23
  • they're not even using the fail whale anymore
    iboxifoo at 2014-03-11 19:27
  • boo fail!
    KartikPrabhu at 2014-03-08 21:10
  • @kevinmarks adding more and more proprietary login options = fail. Should be ONE choice (i.e. something like indieauth or whatever)
    Loqi at 2014-03-05 07:36
  • boo tell fail
    KartikPrabhu at 2014-03-03 04:53
  • it's always a surprise when well experienced people like Tim Bray fail to take a long term technology adoption overview.
    tantek at 2014-03-03 01:29
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